IT and telecommunication industry have an enormous influence on the global economy. The demand for IT and telecommunication products is on the increase, especially in developing countries.
Sector: IT
Client: SAP AG
Solution: Multiplatform Enterprise System
SAP C3 Cloud Computing
- Creating cloud computing SAP C3 with the application of such technologies as: BMC Remedy, BMC Atrium Orchestrator, BMC Remedy Java API, BMC NetApp AO Adapter BMC Amazon EC2 AO Adapter, BMC VMware AO Adapter
- Integration of many Hypervisors providing solutions for virtualization
Sector: IT
Client: Atos
Integration of BMC Remedy with ERP external systems
- Creation of a Java application responsible for the exchange of messages between BMC Remedy system and ERP external systems via Web Service
Sector: IT
Client: Atos
Solution: ATF implementation (cross-functional Atos Technology Framework)
- Design of Common Data Model (CDM) and the design of data interfaces with Management Data Repository (MDR)
- Implementation of additional functionality
Sectror: Telecommunication
Client: O2 Germany
EARS - ITSM 7 and integration with a knowledge database
- Preparation of a new design and construction of an interface between EARS based on ARS 5.x-7.x, ITSM 7 and a knowledge base system
- Design and construction of a license management system for ITSM
Sector: IT services
Client: Capgemini UK
Solution: Advanced Integration Module
BMC CMDB implementation and integration
- Interface design and programming between CMDB, ITSM7 and Cramer external system. Data migration between the systems
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: O2 UK
Solution: DataXchange Engine
Workflow and Problem Management System - Multi-System Integration
- Preparing a new design and constructing interfaces between ARS Remedy ITSM, CMDB and dozens of external systems
- Interfaces based on data collections in XML format, database solutions and Asinit/CEAM copyright solutions for data synchronization and multi-system interaction in real time
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: Vodafone UK
Solution: DataXchange Engine, XMLXchange Engine
Global Equipment/Patching database
- Remedy, WWW and J2EE - based application for Circuit Database Module
- The project included multi-system integrations, database analysis, optimization of the data input process, integration of several different databases as well as design and implementation of data warehouses
- Additionally, the customization of BMC CMDB for the system was performed
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: Cable and Wireless
Solution: ARSData Loader, XMLXchange Engine
Channelized STM1/E1 Manager
- Remedy and J2EE -based application for the pan-European management platform for ordering STM and Ethernet products
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: Cable and Wireless
Solution: JWeb Interface
Order Management System for Leased Line and DSL
- Design and construction of Remedy and J2EE-based pan-European system for order and telecommunication services management
- The project included a multi-system integration with the application of Remedy, XMLXchangeEngine and ORMCenter-Biztalk
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: Cable and Wireless
Solution: JWeb Interface, XMLXchange Engine, ARSData Loader
DataXchange Engine customisation
- Design of changes and implementation of data synchronization mechanism between Action Request System and XML data sources, and MS Office *.xls, *.doc files with the application of Java API
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: Cable and Wireless
ARS Server Administration Module
- Design and implementation of the Web – based system for administration and monitoring of ARS servers and active services. The system used E-mail Alert module for administrators and operators
- The solution included monitoring of incidents, server performance, logged-in users, low-level exceptions, etc.
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: Cable and Wireless UK
Invoice Verification Module
- Module for the optimization of costs and verification of invoices based on Remedy/J2EE/PLSQL (adapted to the integration with SAP platform)
- Allows calculations, optimization, verification and storage of financial data for the network of clients in Europe and Asia, as well as price negotiation for individual clients
- Module for periodic reporting of financial results with the application of historical and current data
Sector: Finances, Telecommunication
Client: Cable and Wireless UK
Solution: JWeb Interface
Event Management System Interfaces
- Preparing a new design and constructing Event Management System Interfaces between ARS Remedy 7 and interoperating external systems
- Customization of Asinit/CEAM - Real Time Importer solution to the client’s needs
- External Java processes and advanced solutions with the application of Remedy environment to synchronize data and cooperate in real time
application of Java API
Sector: Telecommunication
Client: Ericsson/BMC
Analysis of implemented ITSM 8.1 including the review of architecture, interfaces, customisations and proper OOTB modules implementations
- Performance and resource utilisation analysis, logs analysis, OOTB and third party components review, production environment configuration analysis, database configuration check
- Recommend all required changes, deliver the Health Check report for the Ericsson ITSM program
- Customised workflow verification
- External solutions analysis and fixes
Sector: IT
Client: BTC IT Services Gmbh
Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping installation and configuration
- Installation and configuration of ADDM
- ADDM presentation and introduction to CMDB integration