Thanks to our experience gained during the cooperation with numerous companies and organizations we have developed several IT solutions which significantly support integration and implementation projects we take part in. Below is a list of the most interesting solutions prepared by Asinit.

- DataXchange Engine is a universal solution that uses a number of technologies (PLSQL/ODBC/JDBC/.NET API/Java API/SOAP) in order to adapt to existing environments of customers and IT service providers

- XMLXchange Engine based on Java language is used for the integration of BMC products and other BSS\OSS solutions with external systems. The condition for the use of the solution is the application of XML standard for data exchange

- ARSData Loader is a module enabling direct import of data to BMC systems from such sources as MSExcel or MSWord files, or MSAccess database

- RealTime Importer is often used solution based on ARS Java API technology which enables the process of importing data to ARS objects in real time. The main advantages of the solutions are:
- The elimination of the constraints of ARS escalations
- Separation of import area from operating area; it means that the import process does not directly affect other Remedy applications and ARS server efficiency
- Data transfer between an import area and operating area is configurable from the Remedy client or external text file
- The construction of import area that enables an easy integration with the majority of new and older technologies

- JavaWeb Interface is based on JSP/Spring technology and allows for the operation also with older versions of Remedy using JAPI 5.x, 6.x, 7. Apart from the simplified access from a Web browser this solution includes the following features:
- Jintegrator – a module for the visualisation of client’s Remedy via a Web browser
- J Monitor Module including:
- MailNotification – a module for sending e-mail messages to administrators and operators in order to provide them with the information about each defined or non-defined incident in the system
- MonitorDisplay – detailed information about performance of servers, use of licence, users log in, occurring exceptions, etc. via customized WWW sites
- GIU – easy to adapt to customers’ design
- ARSDataObject – programming interface enabling operation on ARS Objects through a simple set of a put-get method and tuned queries model

- BMC Remedy – IBM WebSphere MQ – BMC AO – External Systems Integration is a comprehensive solution for the integration of any external system with BMC Remedy via Java Message Service (JMS). The integration based on this technology ensures that each message delivered to the queue of pending messages will be sent to the target system as soon as it is available
- BMC Remedy to External system integration is a solution allowing for communication of any external system with an API in the form of Web Services with the web services implemented on BMC Remedy platform